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The creations of Max Howser

Queer writer, filmmaker, and musician currently stationed in Bellingham, WA.

Herein lies a collection of my work thusfar, as a broader statement and introduction of my art.

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Sam Raimi

"The worst crime I think a filmmaker can make is to make a boring picture."

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The story comes first.

I built the beginnings of my creative efforts like a lot of other modern day storytellers: on YouTube. After a few failed attempts to start anything legitimate, I started a horror webseries titled North Clear 30, and a comedy series titled Spooky Guys. I also began making music, just pieces of sonic experimentation to see what was possible. These experiments grew into a limited tenure under the moniker of Bloodcurdle, a fictitious "band" that was really just me seeing how well I could do on each individual part of making music. The penultimate effort of Bloodcurdle was H.B.N.W., a dystopian science-fiction concept album.

In 2022, I wrote and directed Heart, my first short film that escaped the realm of no budget and into the land of micro budget. The film starred Anica Johnston, Ian Frank, Montgomery Meeds, and Finn Kurtz. This was without a doubt the most brutally educational experience of my life, and my hopes are set high for the next film, considering how far we came in those 8 months from initial script treatment to final submission to Bleedingham Horror Film Festival, where I met the judges and many other filmmakers. Although I have chosen to part ways with Bloodcurdle indefinitely, my experiences under that name proved useful in post-production for Heart, as I was the composer of the score.

Going into 2023, I'm fueled mainly by what Heart and its process taught me, which is mostly that I now know for a fact that I'm destined to make films forever. I plan to make more micro budget films, find work on other people's productions, and accomplishing more with my prose writing. Through all of this, having recently come out as a transgender woman, I want to use these activities to push for more representation of transgender people in the film industry and community. Heart feels like a major accomplishment for me, because it showed me just how big the world of filmmaking is beyond my tiny circle, and I'm so lucky that the specific independent film community around my area accepted me for my identity, because it's given me the opportunity to do the same.

Lets work together to make the film industry a safe place for transgender visionaries to express themselves.

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(360) 820-4610

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